when language fails

Written and lettered by Colin O’Mahoney and illustrated by yours truly, When Language Fails is a story about growing up, not fitting in, family and terrifying clowns.

home anthology - ‘lingua franca’ (2022)

Organized by DCAF team, the HOME anthology discussed stories on belonging in Ireland today through the lens of 12 creators.

down below anthology - ‘The other side’ (2022)

Limit Break Comics’ anthology of noir comics inspired by Greek Mythology. The Other Side follows three men and their somewhat unfortunate meeting with the hooded type known as The Charon. Story by Colin O’Mahoney.

i like robots! anthology - ‘AUTOMATION’ (2022)

I Like Robots! was the first Chidrawgo Magazine graphic anthology and brings over 170 pages of comics on the subject of technology, the future and, of course, robots. Automation was one of the four stories to feature in this anthology, with scripts by Colin O’Mahoney.

OPArt - ‘Ritual’ (2021)

OPArt is an international anthology idealised and organised by myself and Brazilian writer Rodrigo Ortiz Vinholo. The book brought together talented authors from Brazilian and Irish comic book scenes for six fantastic completely silent tales. Illustrated pages for the story Ritual, scripted by Pedro Hutsch Balboni.

chaotic neutral (2020-)

Launched in 2020, Chaotic Neutral is a bilingual webcomic created in collaboration with writer Rodrigo Ortiz Vinholo. It’s still ongoing and heading to it’s fourth edition.

Buoyancy (Org. ‘Empuxo’) (2020)

Buoyancy is a short and honest tale about doing what you love, even when you don't think you're good enough. It was also my very first comic after I decided to dive (:-D) back into art. It was pencilled, inked and scanned a page at a time. Self-published in bilingual format.

see the complete publication history